Saturday, December 15, 2007

I've been sharing

It's Christmas, right? Well, I've been sharing some music over at Musings, so why don't you pop over there and grab some of the neat songs I've uploaded? They're scattered through several posts, but they're all labelled Christmas, so just click the category of Christmas over on the right hand side and it'll bring up all the relevant posts.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Thursday, November 22, 2007

I've been remiss

I see that I have not posted in this blog since October. My bad!

Well, you see, it's because I'm doing NaBloPoMo over THERE as well as blogging on AND, so you see, as much as I like to blog, evidently there is a limit to how many I can keep up with at once.

I decided the one at will be for PSP tutorials and I have a couple up over there, so if you're into Paint Shop Pro, there's a frame and a blend. I need to work on another one soon though as I don't want to get stale.

I also have a second blogger blog for dog related stuff and I won't even say how long it's been since I posted anything there! I'm just so bad! Why did I ever start this stuff if I can't keep up or come up with new things to say? It's just plain embarassing!

I did start blogging as a way to let my creative self out. I like to write, but never had anything but email to write in until I started blogging. I'm trying to categorize my blogs -- like is really a personal blog that my family and close friends read nearly every day. This one was SUPPOSED to be where I could rant about my political feelings without getting my husband all in a tizzy 'cause we don't see eye to eye all the time about those. And I've told you what the others are -- oh -- except -- that was actually my FIRST blog when I signed up with Wordpress. I started accepting some requests for paid blog posts and they kicked me off, so I pulled up my tent stakes and moved it all over to my own hosting where they can't tell me what I can and can't do. It's not like I was writing anything offensive for crying out loud.

All water under the bridge, though.

So. now you know.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Political Surveys

Had a phone call this evening to get my opinions on the Democratic and Republican candidates for President.

It was patently obvious who they were polling for. Had to give GW bad marks on how he's running things.

Let's face it, he's like someone gone crazy with the dictatorial way he's running this country. Blatant violations of human rights left and right, abusing the judicial system by prosecuting (and persecuting) any Democrat he can get in his sights (I wondered why Hillary was keeping such a low profile for those first years in the Senate -- now I know!), not to mention lying us into the Iraq war where we are now stuck and getting sucked into this whirlpool of a money pit.

I support our military and our troops and want to see the Iraquis put back on track to a peaceful existence, but to see BILLIONS of dollars going over there with NOTHING to show for it, is not sitting very well with this Republican, let me tell you! And don't let him kid you -- that money is NOT going to buy armored vehicles, body armor, better guns, or even a pay raise for the ground troops, it's going to line some Iraqui officials pockets or some corrupt contractor's pockets!

Mr. P -- I was born at night, but it darned sure wasn't last night!

I see our relationships with other nations going sour because you, sir, are a bully. Leave other nations alone and take care of your internal issues. Try all those alleged terrorists in Guantanamo Bay and close that prison down! Quit torturing people (or condoning it). If we want the world to treat people better, then we darned sure need to be setting the example -- and we are NOT.

Review No Child Left Behind and get back to teaching our kids the basics in math, science, geography and civics! Right now all they do is learn how to take tests! You are leaving a legacy of ignorance.

I am really sorry I voted for you, but this next election will see change.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

When shoud a Judge Retire?

I had the most awful experience today at a show. The judge was obviously ill and was having an awful time keeping on track and judging his entry. The steward had to tell him repeatedly if he had more than one dog in the class as he would try to mark the judges book after going over one dog.

It was horribly unfair. Not only to the exhibitors but to the judge himself to keep him in that blazing sun trying to do a job he was so obviously incapable of doing.

The exhibitors were subjected to very poor ring procedures with no clear directions on what to do when and then, if you were third in a class of 3 that's the ribbon you got because he marked the book after the first dog before he ever touched the other entries. He kept getting further and futher behind in his judging and by the time his second "set" of dogs was starting in the ring, he was more than an hour behind.

The show committee kept propping him up and making excuses to the exhibitors, saying he was ill and on medication that required frequent trips to the restroom and that is probably true, but to keep on letting him judge when it was all so obvious that he was "out of it" was just plain criminal.

I think the reason they (the show committee) kept him going was because of money. If they had substituted another judge for him, they would have had to pay that judge, plus refund entry fees to people who pulled their entries (you are allowed to pull your entry and get a refund if there is a judge change). It's so sad when money is allowed to be the reason for allowing an unfair situation persist when it could have been corrected.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Iranian President Pleads Not Guilty to Building a Nuclear Weapon

Today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to the UN General Council and once again stated that Iran has no intent to build a nuclear weapon -- that their nuclear ambitions are peaceful and domestic.

Jesus taught us to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. I know that I want to be believed when I make a statement of intent. Or at least given the benefit of doubt. Why do we persist in not believing Mr. Ahmadinejad's statement of purpose with regards to Iran's nuclear enrichment program? Has he shown himself to be a liar? I don't think he has. He has indicated that he thinks of America as a bully and I find myself in agreement with this assessment. We ARE acting the bully.

We acted the bully when we invaded Iraq on trumped up scare headlines of terrorist breeding grounds and weapons of mass destruction. We've made a horrible mess of Iraq and it's no wonder that other countries look on the US with a jaundiced eye.

Under our present administration, the US has lost much "face" in the world. We are no longer looked up to as the standard bearer for fair and equal treatment of all. Our present administration, under the guise of "protecting us against terror" has chosen to throw away the Bill of Rights and Constitution that our country was founded on and has been governed by for a century and a quarter. Our current administration has twisted the rules of the Geneva Convention to suit it's own purpose. It's a shame that we the people have allowed this adminstration to have this free rein when it comes to denying these rights to the people.

Let's get back on track. Let's regain our status as world peacekeeper, human rights advocate and fairest of the fair. Urge your Congressman and your Senator to set the US back on track.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Home Again!

Oh WOW! It's so good to be home again!

I took the last 5 days to go to a dog show in Atlanta, GA and while a good time was had by all, it's great to be home! I did take tomorrow off from work, too, just so I would have time to clean up the camper, get laundry done and catch up around the house as well. Of course I have a zillion e-mails to read and answer, but that's all part of the plan for tomorrow.

We did no big winning at the dog show. However, we did some GREAT shopping, LOTs of talking to friends I don't get to see very often and filled my eyes with visions of some GORGEOUS Whippets! Outside of a National, the Southern HAS to be the best place to see a gathering of some of the most gorgeous Whippets in the nation.

The Metrolpolitan Atlanta Whippet Club hosts this event yearly and boy! do they ever do a wonderful job of it. The trophies are always original and wonderful, the food is great and the hospitality is pure Southern! My hat is off to you folks! Thanks for the great time!

Well, I think I go take a nap now :)


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Thank you for all your prayers! As always, prayer WORKS!

It seems that my son did not have a stroke or a TIA.

They've told him that his brain is too large for his skull and that his caffiene consumption and some other things have contributed to this incident. He will talk with a neurosurgeon later this week about other courses of treatment and get their recommendation, but he's back home and back at work now, none the worse for wear as they say.

It's interesting that the doctors say the fact that he is ambidextrous is one of the signs of having this condition. Also, that it's hereditary and congenital. DaVinci was ambidexterous, so he's in good company.

Thanks again for your prayers. Please let me return the favor some time!


Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm frightened....

Like Dorothy, when she was locked into the witch's castle and the hourglass was emptying of sand, I'm frightened -- oh, Auntie Em! I'm frightened!

My daughter-in-law called this afternoon with the news that my son was taken to the hospital after suffering a stroke. Not words any mother wants to hear, let me tell you! It turns out that they (in all thier innimitable wisdom) THINK he had a TIA (transient ischemic attack). They've run a battery of tests from a CAT scan to an MRI and other than a "shadow" they saw on the MRI, they cannot find a cause of this.

He had all the classic symptoms of a TIA -- disorientation, slight paralysis of his left arm, blurred vision, inability to process a thought chain, but no apparent cause. His blood pressure was (and is) normal, he's not overweight, he's in his mid-thirties, normal range of cholesterol and otherwise very healthy.

He did have an incident a few weeks ago with his knee which has since been bothering him and he was scheduled to have an MRI on that later this month. I'm wonderfing if he had a clot break loose, but surely "they" have covered that base.

No mother who loves her son could be more worried than I am right now. Do I go or wait? I'm waiting now to hear back from my daughter-in-law if they released him to go home.

They say no news is good news, but right now, no news is just leaving open space for the brain to conjure up all kinds of worst case scenarios. You know what those would be like?

Pray for him and his family.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart.


Writing is addictive

Writing is an addiction. If you've ever written something that received someone elses' attention, you are hooked. The need to write something else that gets commented on, or read by someone else is your spur to write more.

It almost doesn't matter if the response is complimentary or uncomplimentary, it's the heady rush of "hey! someone READ what I wrote!". That's what gets you hooked.

Now that I think about it, I may be MORE excited about someone who disagrees with something I've written about than with someone who compliments me on what I've written. Reason being, when someone disagrees, you can pretty well bet they've read at least most of what you wrote. They usually quote you on a sentence or two and nearly always take your salient points to refute, all of which tells you they read on a more than cursory level, and with some degree of depth, your entire piece.

The complimenter on the other hand, can be pretty empty with their words. You often don't get that indication that they read past the opening paragraph or so of your composition. (reminder to self to include some points upon which I agree or note some particular turn of phrase used in writings I want to compliment).

So, disagree away with me. It serves to spur me on to greater literary (cough, cough) heights.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sloppy Blogger

Well, I see that I have woefully neglected this blog. I have blogged on the "family" blog and I have blogged for dollars on the blogging for dollars blog, but haven't posted anything here -- here where my most opinionated thoughts are recorded.

It's not that I haven't had any opinions lately. It's more like I forgot this one was here (at least temporarily). It was in the back of my mind.. honest!

So, to any readers I might have out there, my sincerest apologies! I will promise to try to do better. Lord knows there's plenty to talk about.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Habeas Corpus

Well, it's about time we came to our senses!

It seems that Democrat Majority Leader and Republican Judiciary Committee Leader, Arlen Specter are in agreement that even the foreign detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba should receive this basic right. It's been a blot on the reputation of the US that this one, basic right has not been given these people.

We expect our troops and our citizens to be afforded fair and reasonable treatment when in foreign countries, but deny those detained by our military and police agencies this same accord.

While there is a co-sponsored bill being sent to Congress for this item, and the Supreme Court has decided to rule on this issue that they had previously declined to rule on, the fate of detainees to get their day in court -- to be charged with a crime using reasonable proof is still up in the air. The bill must get a minimum 60 votes to avoid a fillibuster and the Supreme Court will not hear the case for months.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Amazing People

As is my habit, I was listening to NPR radio and an article they were airing about a contest in California for Braille readers. While the contest in and of itself is mildly remarkable, the woman who won it fired my imagination.

The winner, Claire Stanley, says she wants to major in law and eventually become a politician in Washington, DC. When asked how she became blind, she matter-of-factly reported the facts. Her complete acceptance of her condition (I will not call it a handicap as her blindness apparently has NOT handicapped her at all!) is not only inspiring to those of us who have no "condition", but her goals and clear-sighted advancement towards them is inspiring!

I only wish I had half her "gumption"! What an admirable lady and one whom I expect to be hearing about again in the future.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Two-faced hypocrite!

While I confess to being a registered Republican, I am more and more disenfranchised with the Republican Party as a whole and with President Bush in particular. Mr. Bush's latest veto has pushed me way over the edge.

Although he sent our troops to Iraq -- a clear act of "allow human life to be destroyed to save others" which he now decries as "immoral" when talking about stem cell research, Mr. Bush has revealed to all his hypocracy in his politics. He has long struck me as being egotistical and overbearing; now revelations that he holds himself exempt from the very laws he signs into being for this country exemplifies this very thing.

It's absolutely necessary for a President to be accountable to his constituency. Mr. Bush endeavors to play God with his. He will "strike down the sinners" while sinning himself.

The elections of 2008 will not occur soon enough to suit me. This man needs to be removed from power before he plunges our country into some turmoil we cannot extricate ourselves from. He's not only flirting with this plunge with his actions towards Iran, but also his dialog with Russia. In the 7 years he has been in power, our once fairly peaceful world has erupted into unceasing and unspeakable violence.

People have polarized into factions on extreme sides and there seems to be no compromise that will bring them together again.

Politicians take note -- my vote will go for the man who exhibits the ability to bring people TOGETHER. You have my challenge, Mr. Giuliani, Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. McCain, Mr. Romney and all the rest of you -- make peace -- with each other, with the world and with your country.


Friday, May 4, 2007


I am very dissapointed in my country.

It has gone from being an advocate of fair human rights for all to a country that is percieved as being two-faced and elitist. While we demand a certain level of treatment of our citizens out in the world, we do not afford foreigners the same treatment.

I'm not talking of illegal immigrants, either. The detainees at Guantanamo Bay, our treatment of Iraqui captives at Abu Grabe are just tips of the iceberg of the filth and horror the US dishes out with blessings by their commander-in-chief on a daily basis to peoples not of US citizenship.

I place the fault at the feet of the current administration. While much went on in years past, it's the current administration that is supporting and "justifying" the abominations by citing "we must take these steps in order to stop terrorisim". I don't believe that even terrorrists -- even someone who is dedicated to killing ME deserves to be shut away, tortured and kept from family and legal counsel.

How far the mighty have fallen from grace...



Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If I Were Running for President

As I was getting in the shower this morning, I heard Steve Inskeep of NPR news asking someone what platform they would run on if they were running for President of the United States.

As I showered, I thought about my answer to this and of the issues and events that face our country today.

While I am a registered Republican, I really vote more moderately than conservatively. For example, I am Pro Choice -- not because I approve of abortion, but because I DISAPPROVE of taking away someone's right to decide what they should do with their body. I think abortion should be the last resort and that, unless medically necessary, not allowed after the first trimester. I also don't have a problem with requiring the mother be shown an ultrasound of the fetus before agreeing to go on with the procedure as I believe she should have every awareness of the seriousness of the step she is taking. I don't believe that she should have to skulk around, hiding from everyone as if she were a criminal in order to have good medical treatment for the procedure.

I think all law suits against cigarrette companies should be disallowed for this same reason. I saw all those ads for cigarettes. I saw my peers smoke. Both my parents smoked as did my sisters. I CHOSE not to smoke, so can attest to the fact that you CAN withstand all of those influences in your life. I do know that for some, this is difficult and believe those companies can and should provide some funding for clinics to treat cigarette addiction.

I was opposed to this war. When I heard that President Bush declared war on Iraq, I was horrified. I thought then that it was the wrong enemy and the wrong time. We're there now, though and while I don't think a troop surge is going to accomplish anything, I agree that we can't just pull out as to do so would leave those people vulnerable to genocide. What we need to do is concentrate on giving the Iraqi government support in finding a political solution to the differences of the Iraqui people, providing support in rebuilding the lives of the Iraqui people and setting short-term and long-term goals for all involved.

I am saddened by the violence that has become part and parcel of everyday life in our country and indeed, the world. I believe that we need to set values that embrace peaceful solutions to social issues.

I don't belive in legislating morality. It's nearly impossible to enforce and then you get into that area where there are no hard and fast lines that determine what is and isn't moral.

So now you know what my platform would be :)


Friday, April 20, 2007

Tragedy and the media

This week's tragedy in Virginia highlights the current state of the world where the media is concerned. News at any cost to those most affected by the events of Monday is the process of the day.

While it may be beneficial to those who experienced the terror and emotion of the day to talk about those events, certainly reading those revelations and seeing or hearing them dissected by someone who is so totally removed from the events of the day and, let's face it, who is jaded at best and immune to the level of sufferring experienced by those victims at worst has to be almost like being assaulted again by the perpetrator!

And then there are the media seekers who may or may not have been invloved in any way with the events, but who seek out the media to give their "take" on it. You could almost categorize President Bush in that group. With his press at an all-time low, he certainly seems to be taking every opportunity to seek out more positive press opportunities such as "showing grave concern for those affected by the shootings" affords.

Our insatiable thirst for knowledge and information certainly drives the media to this level of depravity. I only mourn that there seems to be no line drawn that stops the media from intrusion into a person's privacy or that encourages them to exercise any form of restraint in reporting and revealing the depth of sufferring or depravity.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's in a name?

Names are just labels you know.
They merely help us go on with the flow.
It's silly to set our credit rating based on name
It all seems to be such a stupid game!

Whether your name is Donald, Rachel or Russ
Arthur, Mohammed, Abdul or Jesus
You shouldn't risk stoning, abuses or curses
Loss of a job or stealing of purses.

Call me friend and be one to me
Both of our lives will be better can't you see?
Love grows while hate destroys
Doesn't matter if your're girls or boys.

"Do unto others" doesn't ring hollow
It's always been a good rule to follow
You'll never go wrong being honorable and fair.
It isn't too late! If you only would dare.

Create a new group or a new clique.
Make "love one another" become the new chic
Stop hating and fighting and hurting each other
It truly will be worth all the bother.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In My Master's Eyes

In my Master’s eyes
I am whole and unbroken
In my Master’s eyes
I am beautiful and fair

In my Master’s heart
I have love and His devotion
In my Master’s heart
I never need despair

In my Master’s mind
I am wise and understanding
In my Master’s mind
I am worthy and sincere

In my Master’s arms
I find love for all unceasing
In my Master’s arms
There is never any fear

My Master’s with me always
I hold him in my heart
His voice whispers to me softly
Soon we’ll never have to part


Monday, March 12, 2007

Principles of Beautiful Web Design -- a review

I've just read the first few chapters of this book by Jason Beaird and all I can say is WOW! The book design itself is testament to Mr. Beaird's proficiency as a web designer as it is not only very well written, but has just the right balance of visual and textual information for the reader.

Whether you are a professional web designer whos designed hundreds of web sites or someone who has never designed one, but wants to design their own home page, this book is a valuable and reasonably priced tool. Using the priciples outlined within, any user will be designing gorgeous web sites within days if not hours of reading the book.

Published by Sitepoint, The Principles of Beautiful Web Design is available from their website or from


Friday, March 2, 2007

I just can't believe Microsoft!

As you know, daylight savings time is starting 4 weeks earlier this year. Microsoft has published some utilities to make life with some Microsoft products easier during this change in our schedules, but has also taken the opportunity to make a huge killing off this as well.

If you are still using an OS, mail server software or domain server software that Microsoft no longer supports such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2000, SQL7.0, SQL2000 -- a pretty comprehensive list -- you will not only be charged for the utility (up to $4,000), but be required to purchase extended service warranty at an up to $100,000 price tag!

This is either
  1. a: going to force people to hump along for a month with their time out of synch with the rest of the world,
  2. b: force some people to shell out the money to support their older software or
  3. c: force some people to upgrade to the newer version of whatever Microsoft product they're currently using.
In all but the first scenario, Microsoft will reap mega $$$ and in my opinion, the prices they want to charge are highway robbery!

Now, I've been a Microsoft supporter for a good many years and just recently purchased a new computer with Vista on it. I've always taken those who take every opportunity to show Microsoft in an unflattering light with a grain of salt, but this time, there's some reason to shake the "shame on you" finger at them.
