Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Thank you for all your prayers! As always, prayer WORKS!

It seems that my son did not have a stroke or a TIA.

They've told him that his brain is too large for his skull and that his caffiene consumption and some other things have contributed to this incident. He will talk with a neurosurgeon later this week about other courses of treatment and get their recommendation, but he's back home and back at work now, none the worse for wear as they say.

It's interesting that the doctors say the fact that he is ambidextrous is one of the signs of having this condition. Also, that it's hereditary and congenital. DaVinci was ambidexterous, so he's in good company.

Thanks again for your prayers. Please let me return the favor some time!


1 comment:

Patience-please said...

Your blogs are GREAT! Keep writing! Thanks for sharing them with me-