Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Iranian President Pleads Not Guilty to Building a Nuclear Weapon

Today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to the UN General Council and once again stated that Iran has no intent to build a nuclear weapon -- that their nuclear ambitions are peaceful and domestic.

Jesus taught us to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. I know that I want to be believed when I make a statement of intent. Or at least given the benefit of doubt. Why do we persist in not believing Mr. Ahmadinejad's statement of purpose with regards to Iran's nuclear enrichment program? Has he shown himself to be a liar? I don't think he has. He has indicated that he thinks of America as a bully and I find myself in agreement with this assessment. We ARE acting the bully.

We acted the bully when we invaded Iraq on trumped up scare headlines of terrorist breeding grounds and weapons of mass destruction. We've made a horrible mess of Iraq and it's no wonder that other countries look on the US with a jaundiced eye.

Under our present administration, the US has lost much "face" in the world. We are no longer looked up to as the standard bearer for fair and equal treatment of all. Our present administration, under the guise of "protecting us against terror" has chosen to throw away the Bill of Rights and Constitution that our country was founded on and has been governed by for a century and a quarter. Our current administration has twisted the rules of the Geneva Convention to suit it's own purpose. It's a shame that we the people have allowed this adminstration to have this free rein when it comes to denying these rights to the people.

Let's get back on track. Let's regain our status as world peacekeeper, human rights advocate and fairest of the fair. Urge your Congressman and your Senator to set the US back on track.


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