Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's in a name?

Names are just labels you know.
They merely help us go on with the flow.
It's silly to set our credit rating based on name
It all seems to be such a stupid game!

Whether your name is Donald, Rachel or Russ
Arthur, Mohammed, Abdul or Jesus
You shouldn't risk stoning, abuses or curses
Loss of a job or stealing of purses.

Call me friend and be one to me
Both of our lives will be better can't you see?
Love grows while hate destroys
Doesn't matter if your're girls or boys.

"Do unto others" doesn't ring hollow
It's always been a good rule to follow
You'll never go wrong being honorable and fair.
It isn't too late! If you only would dare.

Create a new group or a new clique.
Make "love one another" become the new chic
Stop hating and fighting and hurting each other
It truly will be worth all the bother.

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