Friday, April 20, 2007

Tragedy and the media

This week's tragedy in Virginia highlights the current state of the world where the media is concerned. News at any cost to those most affected by the events of Monday is the process of the day.

While it may be beneficial to those who experienced the terror and emotion of the day to talk about those events, certainly reading those revelations and seeing or hearing them dissected by someone who is so totally removed from the events of the day and, let's face it, who is jaded at best and immune to the level of sufferring experienced by those victims at worst has to be almost like being assaulted again by the perpetrator!

And then there are the media seekers who may or may not have been invloved in any way with the events, but who seek out the media to give their "take" on it. You could almost categorize President Bush in that group. With his press at an all-time low, he certainly seems to be taking every opportunity to seek out more positive press opportunities such as "showing grave concern for those affected by the shootings" affords.

Our insatiable thirst for knowledge and information certainly drives the media to this level of depravity. I only mourn that there seems to be no line drawn that stops the media from intrusion into a person's privacy or that encourages them to exercise any form of restraint in reporting and revealing the depth of sufferring or depravity.


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