Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If I Were Running for President

As I was getting in the shower this morning, I heard Steve Inskeep of NPR news asking someone what platform they would run on if they were running for President of the United States.

As I showered, I thought about my answer to this and of the issues and events that face our country today.

While I am a registered Republican, I really vote more moderately than conservatively. For example, I am Pro Choice -- not because I approve of abortion, but because I DISAPPROVE of taking away someone's right to decide what they should do with their body. I think abortion should be the last resort and that, unless medically necessary, not allowed after the first trimester. I also don't have a problem with requiring the mother be shown an ultrasound of the fetus before agreeing to go on with the procedure as I believe she should have every awareness of the seriousness of the step she is taking. I don't believe that she should have to skulk around, hiding from everyone as if she were a criminal in order to have good medical treatment for the procedure.

I think all law suits against cigarrette companies should be disallowed for this same reason. I saw all those ads for cigarettes. I saw my peers smoke. Both my parents smoked as did my sisters. I CHOSE not to smoke, so can attest to the fact that you CAN withstand all of those influences in your life. I do know that for some, this is difficult and believe those companies can and should provide some funding for clinics to treat cigarette addiction.

I was opposed to this war. When I heard that President Bush declared war on Iraq, I was horrified. I thought then that it was the wrong enemy and the wrong time. We're there now, though and while I don't think a troop surge is going to accomplish anything, I agree that we can't just pull out as to do so would leave those people vulnerable to genocide. What we need to do is concentrate on giving the Iraqi government support in finding a political solution to the differences of the Iraqui people, providing support in rebuilding the lives of the Iraqui people and setting short-term and long-term goals for all involved.

I am saddened by the violence that has become part and parcel of everyday life in our country and indeed, the world. I believe that we need to set values that embrace peaceful solutions to social issues.

I don't belive in legislating morality. It's nearly impossible to enforce and then you get into that area where there are no hard and fast lines that determine what is and isn't moral.

So now you know what my platform would be :)


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