Monday, July 16, 2007

Habeas Corpus

Well, it's about time we came to our senses!

It seems that Democrat Majority Leader and Republican Judiciary Committee Leader, Arlen Specter are in agreement that even the foreign detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba should receive this basic right. It's been a blot on the reputation of the US that this one, basic right has not been given these people.

We expect our troops and our citizens to be afforded fair and reasonable treatment when in foreign countries, but deny those detained by our military and police agencies this same accord.

While there is a co-sponsored bill being sent to Congress for this item, and the Supreme Court has decided to rule on this issue that they had previously declined to rule on, the fate of detainees to get their day in court -- to be charged with a crime using reasonable proof is still up in the air. The bill must get a minimum 60 votes to avoid a fillibuster and the Supreme Court will not hear the case for months.