Friday, May 4, 2007


I am very dissapointed in my country.

It has gone from being an advocate of fair human rights for all to a country that is percieved as being two-faced and elitist. While we demand a certain level of treatment of our citizens out in the world, we do not afford foreigners the same treatment.

I'm not talking of illegal immigrants, either. The detainees at Guantanamo Bay, our treatment of Iraqui captives at Abu Grabe are just tips of the iceberg of the filth and horror the US dishes out with blessings by their commander-in-chief on a daily basis to peoples not of US citizenship.

I place the fault at the feet of the current administration. While much went on in years past, it's the current administration that is supporting and "justifying" the abominations by citing "we must take these steps in order to stop terrorisim". I don't believe that even terrorrists -- even someone who is dedicated to killing ME deserves to be shut away, tortured and kept from family and legal counsel.

How far the mighty have fallen from grace...

